Linuxfabrik Monitoring Plugins Release v1.2.0.11

datacenter icinga monitoring-plugins

Release "v1.2.0.11" – What's new?

You read that correctly: We have not reached version 2025031301, but v1.2.0.11. What has happened?

For those who cannot or do not want to run the Linuxfabrik monitoring plugins in the Python source code on their target systems, we have been providing compiled versions for quite some time. The binaries can be installed under Linux via rpm and deb packages or from a zip archive; for Windows there is a zip package - until now.

With this release, we now provide an MSI package for Windows. However, the MSI was not at all happy with our previous calendar versioning. We decided on calendar versioning years ago because all the plugins are independent of each other and we could never really define when version jumps made sense. But there was no way around it - to build an MSI you need semantic versioning.

To implement Semantic Versioning in the monitoring plugins project, we have changed our commit messages to Conventional Commits. From now on, breaking commits will increment the major version, feature commits will increment the feature version, and patch commits will increment the patch version. All other commit messages will increment the revision number.

This required a complete rewrite of the build system - but also because we wanted to include building binaries for RHEL and Debian-compatible systems based on ARM64. Also, we now compile uniformly for all platforms using Nuitka.

For Windows, all binaries and the MSI package are signed with a code signing certificate from the SignPath Foundation. Thanks to SignPath for sponsoring this certificate!

Other build system improvements:

  • CodeQL is used to check the code of the monitoring plugins for security vulnerabilities and other potential weaknesses.
  • Dependabot monitors our project dependencies and checks for newer versions or security updates of libraries used by the project.
  • Dependency Review checks whether new or updated libraries contain known security vulnerabilities or other risks introduced in pull requests.
  • The OSSF Scorecard Workflow assesses how well we are implementing current security best practices in open source development. The results are summarised in a score, which is displayed as a badge in the project's README (as of 20250313: 8.2/10 points).

In addition to fixes and changes, the new release brings more service sets for the Icinga Director such as Debian 12, Ubuntu 24, Moodle etc., as well as up-to-date SVG format icons which can now be found directly in the repo. You can see the latest plugins and their icons in action at

New monitoring plugins include:

A detailed list of all new features in this release can be found in the CHANGELOG.

Due to the version number change, it is recommended to remove the old linuxfabrik-monitoring-plugins package with dnf/apt -y remove linuxfabrik-monitoring-plugins and then install the new one with dnf/apt -y install linuxfabrik-monitoring-plugins. On Windows, the plugins should be deleted from the folder C:\ProgramData\icinga2\usr\lib64\nagios\plugins and installed using the MSI package. They will then be placed in the folder C:\Program Files\icinga2\sbin\linuxfabrik.


The new version of our monitoring plugins can be downloaded as follows:

We welcome feedback. Tell us which plugins you use and what results you get on show and tell or support the project via GitHub sponsors.

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