Icinga at the Exoscale Marketplace

datacenter icinga monitoring-plugins

Icinga can now be ordered with just a few clicks from our partner Exoscale on their Marketplace. The cloud images we provide deliver a fully functional Icinga2 instance.

A pre-configured Icinga Director is included, as well as our monitoring plugins - so 'batteries included'. You can choose between a Debian-based variant, which is billed on a pay-as-you-go basis, or a Rocky-based variant, which requires an Icinga developer or repository subscription in addition to the Exoscale base fees.

More details on billing and technology can be found on the two product pages:

Exoscale is a European cloud service provider specialising in high performance, scalable and privacy compliant cloud infrastructure services. Founded in Switzerland, the company is committed to European privacy standards and data sovereignty. Exoscale's offerings include virtual machines, storage solutions, network infrastructure and other services that help enterprises and developers efficiently run and scale applications and services in the cloud.


Install Icinga at Exoscale:

Install Icinga at Exoscale

Icinga is up and running:

Icinga is up and running

The Icinga Web Interface after the first login:

The Icinga Web Interface after the first login

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